Friday, October 31, 2014

Art 6 Coloring Monotypes

Art 6 is almost done with their third version of their monotype!
The realistically colored one! Students mastered their color wheel and now they're coloring using blending and shading.
Wow! These look great!

Kluender CA78

Look at these amazing journlas! Week Nine Journal was to complete the half of the missing face of a celebrity.
Our next digital project will begin next week....we will be using a celebrity as our inspiration!
Stay tuned....

Friday, October 24, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Kluender art 8

Our Weekly Journal Eight for Art 8 is a hair study! Students took turns modeling and drawing the back of each other's heads, focusing on the hair.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Kluender Art 78

A2 Art 78 has finished their mixed media selfies and they are on display in the office! PLease stop by and see them on your next visit to Stonewall! 

Kluender CA78

When you visit our school, you will be greeted by Computer Art 78's Kaleidoscope Art!

Kluender Art 78

A4 and B4 Art 78 students are working on Surrealist Scenes! We learned all about Salvador Dali and the Surrealist movement in Art! 

We learned that the Surrealists used the idea of chance and randomness to create works of art. We even did a Weekly Journal Surrealist game called Exquisite Corpse.

Students made collages from unrelated found images from magazines. Then, we used a grid to help us transfer the image into a drawing.

Students are using their new skills mixing and blending colored pencils to finish off the drawing!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Art Room Volunteers

Dear Parent/Guardian,
he time has come for us to offer our volunteer training for Art Room Helpers. I have already emailed parents thatindicated they are interested, but wanted to open it up to ALL of our parents. 
We will offer it Tuesday October 28th from 4:00PM-5:00PM and Wednesday October 29th from 8:45AM-9:45AM.
We will be going over how to use a mat cutter, how to properly measure mats, and how to tape mats.

Once trained, we have at least one spot per week for our helpers to come in. During our art show season we will add dates and times. 
At the meeting, if you are available to come consistently at a certain time (say every Friday at 8:45) please let us know. We may arrange to have you do extra duties.
If you are interested in coming to the training, please sign up using the web site Volunteer Spot. This link is listed below. You do NOT have to join to use it.  But it's a great way for us to manage all of our lovely volunteers. 
Please contact me personally if you are interested in volunteering but cannot attend.
There will be other opportunities later in the year, INCLUDING field trip chaperones. 
Thank you so much for you time!

Thank you!

--Mrs. Ryan--

Friday, October 17, 2014

6th Grade Social

The 6th grade social was TOO MUCH fun!
The students all had a great time dancing, singing, and being goofy.
The DJ did a great job keeping the kids excited!

Art 6 Still Life Ryan

All of our students drew a still life for our sketchbook today!

We then spent the next few minutes in an art critqiue. Students had to use their higher level thinking skills to analyze what was good about a classmates drawing, and what might need improvement.
We learned about constructive criticism.
In the above picture the students are comparing the drawing to the still life, trying to determine how accurate it was.
Here you can see these ladies pointing out details they're going to talk about.
Great collaborative work and higher level thinking skills going on!
Look at the intense ART related discussion we're having! 
Nothing makes an art teacher happier then kids not only DOING art but THINKING about it!

Pink Out in Art

Our students showed their support for Breast Cancer Awareness.
Pink is the new black. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ryan Art 6 Monotype

Students are working on their trace monotypes. Monotype is a print where you ONLY get 1 print per plate. (The name literally means 1 print!) Students ink their plates
Then they gently lay their paper on top of the inked plate and trace their amazing animal drawings. Once their done you have to carefully pull the paper back.

This artwork has a great 'Ta-Da!' moment!
See what I mean: TA-DA! :) 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Kluender art 78

More amazing ceramic projects! :)

Ryan extra credit

When students finish projects early- they have opportunities to earn extra credit by completing extra credit projects.
Up about is an Op Art project made to look like a hand is POPPING out at you.
Here a student is adding detail to their tesselation extra credit!
They will receive an extra A grade to be averaged in to their grade. Great job!